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Surveyors added to priority skilled migration list in Australia

The Australia’s Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL) currently identifies 41 occupations that supply the critical needs for supporting the recovery of the Australian economy from the COVID-19 pandemic.

This means there is a shortage of professionals in Australia to fill all the gaps in the job market. Seeing as these occupations are important for Australia to do well as a country, the government has approved hiring talent from overseas.

22 new in-demand jobs have been added to the list, which now includes surveyors, cartographers and other spatial scientists.

Rapid growth in job openings (5,001 and 10,000 over the 5 years to 2020) in Australia is predicted. According to The Good Education Group, which publishes The Good Careers Guide, surveying has the fourth highest average starting salary at $60,049 compared with the national average of $52,840.

Graduate surveyors are also among the most likely to be employed straight out of university, with the third-highest employment rate at 78%.

STEM graduates are in high demand because they have specialised and transferable skills and there are fewer people entering these fields (science, maths, engineering and technology).

Surveyors in Australia work mostly in Professional, Scientific and Technical Services; Public Administration and Safety; and Construction.

They work full-time (on average 43.1 hours per week) and their average earnings are around $1,562 per week (higher than the all jobs average of $1,230).

There has never been a better time to be a surveyor in Australia!



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